
A Tour of the Bridge

The Majestic Princess in the Ushuaia Harbor

                        We received a letter in our Stateroom.

It was from the Captain.

He was requesting us to come to the Bridge for a kind of meet and greet. It also asked us not to speak about this to anyone as he could not have all 3500 passengers asking to visit the Bridge.

As it was, we needed to have Security (two officers) meet us outside the Bridge Entrance on Deck 14. After passing through several locked checkpoints we were led onto the vast Bridge where the Captain was waiting for us.


                                    In the beginning of the Cruise I had sent a letter (handwritten) to the Captain informing him of my desire to have a meeting with him to discuss his ship-handling experience and to see if he needed any of mine.

                                                No I didn’t!

                                    I did send him that letter though. In it I requested a visit, and it was handwritten! We received a short note in return informing us that we would receive another letter later on informing us of the time and date when we would be able to come to the Bridge.

                                    Back in the day a visit to the Bridge was not that big a deal. Along with a visit to the Engine Room they were fairly common and usually occurred while still in Port. Enter 9/11 and all bets are off.

                        Finally, our invite came. It was the day before yesterday and the visit was to occur at 10:00 the next morning. Paula needed to exchange her At Sea Bridge (card) Game for an At Sea Bridge Tour.

All I needed to do was show up.

But…. we did not go empty-handed.

A few days before in Ushuaia I had taken a photo of the Majestic Princess with the background being the two identifiable mountains, Mt. Olivia and Cinco Hermanos. They were visible behind the ship. No one else got this photo as it was Gaby, our TBL Guide, that got us to this vantage point. Princess Cruises doesn’t even have this pic! (They do now as I gave the file to our Cruise Director). Anyway, I asked the Photo Dept. guys if they could help me out as I wanted to give it to the Captain. They rushed the order and on our way to the Bridge we picked up an 8×20 wood-block print that we could give to the Captain. It’s the one at the top of this page.

The Tour

                        The Bridge is gigantic! It is 150’ wide inside and obviously spans the entire width of the ship and then some. This is essential because the Captain needs to be able to see directly fore and aft and straight down when he is docking the ship. Yes, The Captain is the one with his hands on the controls when coming in or out of port.

The Bridge spans the entire width of the ship and then extends outward on each side so the entire boat can be viewed from up there.

                        The “Watch’ is comprised of four personnel, the Officer of the Deck, the Assistant O.O.D. and two lookouts who spend their entire four-hour watch gazing at the waters around the ship. Yes, even though there are numerous types of radar running at all times, there is no substitute for two pairs of eyes scanning manually.

Here you can see the two Lookouts facing forward. That’s the Officer of the Deck sitting behind them.

                        I was allowed to take some pics, but no videos were allowed. The following will describe most of everything.

That tiny wheel right in front of that chair is the Ship’s Wheel. It is used just sometimes to steer the ship.
Actually, that little toggle lever that the Captain has his finger on is what steers the ship, just like a video game! There are five (5) different stations that the ship can be controlled by. Three by the main console, and one each in the Port and Starboard wing stations.
This is the crew’s outdoor recreation area. It is not visible from any of the passenger cabins.
This is the Ship’s Bell and it gets used everyday at noontime when the Captain gives his navigational update to all on board.
Here you can see the two redundant stations that the O.O.D. and the Asst. O.O.D. have in front of them. You can also see the electronic charts that can be accessed from anywhere on the Bridge. The Captain has a full instrument cluster in his cabin so that he can monitor anything from in there.
The Captain in front of one of the Bridge control stations.
Here is a photo of Paula, Giuseppe Castellano, and the new Captain. In this one we are out on the Starboard wing, and you can see all the way back past the orange lifeboats to the end of the vessel. That bump-out up top is the Sky Walk on the Lido Deck.

                        When our Tour was finished we showed the photo of the Ship to the Captain and told him that it was for him and that it was just taken a few days ago in Ushuaia. He appeared to be genuinely grateful.

                        Maybe that will be my “Get Out Of Jail Free” card the next time they want to throw me into the Brig.

8 replies on “A Tour of the Bridge”

Wow! Must be that charm of yours that got you that wonderful opportunity. Not too many people can say that they had that kind of a tour. Good for you! I hope you and Paula had a wonderful Christmas and enjoy your new year.’s celebration. Wishing you both a very happy and healthy 2025. ❤️❤️

Thanks Tammie! A great New Year to all of you too! Please say Hi! to all for me!
And you’d be surprised what a “handwritten” letter can do!

How awesome!!! Very cool that you got a private tour of the bridge! I hope you told the Captain of your experience navigating the Land Yacht and of early morning Bay Patrol. You never know when they might need back-up!

That was exactly the plan Donny! I was even able to get a set of Bridge Instrumentation installed in our room just in case 🙂

This is so cool … leave it to you to get a private tour…. It must be your charisma!!!! How much longer are you one your cruise??? Happy and Healthy New Year to you Both … With Love

Hi Aunt Barbara! We get off in Fort Lauderdale on January 21st. We left LA on Dec. 1st.
We’re really glad that you’re along with us!
Hugs to all please!
Happy New Year!

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