You would think that being close to Houston, Texas would somewhat, almost, guarantee some good weather at this time of year. You know, mild temps, highs in the 70’s or 80,s, lows at night maybe in the 50’s. Nope. Just when we get here, the temps shoot up into the 90’s and now that we are ready to embark on our second leg and head for Colorado, guess what happens?
We heard the forecast and decided that it did not pose any issues because we would just head south and then take Interstate 10 West in an attempt to avoid the slick stuff.
Who would have guessed that as far south as the Rio Grande River and as far west as El Paso would have winter weather advisories posted?
Not for long mind you,
Just for the exact day that we had planned on leaving. There are 364 other days in the year that Mother Nature could have chosen to be finicky. Take those odds to Vegas and you’ll be a gazillionaire.
Tomorrow will be another day.